Are there red flags I should be looking out for to know if my kids identity was stolen?

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Jose-Andres, CA
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If you receive strange mail, calls, or messages with your child’s name, you should investigate immediately.

There’s, of course, a possibility that they just wound up on some spam lists, but these unsolicited communications are a huge red flag:

  • Your child starts to receive bills in their name. 
  • Your child receives credit cards or pre-approved card offers in the mail. 
  • You start to receive calls from collection agencies asking for your child. 
  • Your child already has a credit file in their name. (You can check this by contacting the major credit reporting agencies — Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian.) 
  • You get a notification from the IRS that your child’s name or SSN has been used on another tax return or that your child owes income taxes.
  • Your child is denied government benefits. 
  • You receive age-inappropriate junk mail addressed to your child.

Taking fast action now can be a huge lifesaver for your child and family down the line. For more information and resources check out our 10 ways to protect your child from identity theft.

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