Building a Better Internet for Kids: What Platforms Can Do 🎥

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Experts discuss how social media platforms can improve online experiences for kids growing up with screens.

On July 30, the Senate overwhelmingly passed landmark legislation to help protect children from online dangers and ensure social media platforms take measures to protect young users. 


The Kids Online Safety Act and the Children and Teens’ Online Privacy Protection Act, nicknamed KOSA and COPPA 2.0, finally move the conversation about youth safety and mental health from discussion to action by requiring online platforms take steps to prevent harm for minors. 

Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief of The Verge Nilay Patel sat down with several experts to discuss what these platforms can do to improve online experiences for kids. 

  • Dr. Michael Rich, Director of Boston Children’s Hospital Digital Wellness Lab
  • Emma Lembke, Founder and Executive Director of The LOG OFF Movement
  • Viraj Doshi, Platform Safety Lead of Snap Inc.
  • Michael Preston, Executive Director of Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop

Watch the full panel here

 Parents, want to help your child build healthy social media habits?

Check out this article Help your child build healthy social media habits.

“I quickly realized I was engaging with a product predicated on maximizing my attention at the cost of my well-being.”

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