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Am I wrong for not wanting my kids to have a mobile phone? I feel that this is something reserved for a teenager around the ages if 16 and up.

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Edwin, TX
Edwin, TX

Unfortunately, there’s no right answer—no perfect age for a kid to get their first phone.

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Does it matter if my kid has a Finsta? Should I ask to see it?

Trent, MI
Trent, MI

Let’s start with a quick definition! A finsta is a “fake” Instagram account that’s typically made so someone can post images and interact with others in a more private way.

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My kids aren't on social media sites but they talk to friends using iMessage. How can I be sure they're not talking to strangers or being bullied?

Greg, WA
Greg, WA

Can my teen use his private VPN so I cannot monitor his screen time usage?

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Sylvie, FL
Sylvie, FL

A VPN, or Virtual Private Network, creates a secure and encrypted connection over the internet, protecting online privacy and security by establishing a private network from a public internet connection.

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What are your tips for parents struggling to set boundaries for their kids who want to spend all their time gaming?

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Margaret, TX
Margaret, TX

Setting boundaries is an important way to help your child spend less time gaming, but we know it’s easier said than done.

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